UniNews Recruitment

For inclusion in the UniNews Classified Section, please fax us at (408) 986-1645 to receive a form or send the following information: name, UniForum membership number, a number or address where hiring companies may reach you, title and description of the job you want, geographical preference professional experience and qualifications, highest level of education and where achieved, salary range desired and availability. Be as specific as possible. If you do not want your name printed, please indicate and UniNews will receive replies and forward them to you. Please type or write legibly.your classified may be edited for length or clarity. Uninews "Positions wanted" classifieds are available FREE OF CHARGE to Uniforum members only. Upon receipt of your material, we will publish your classified in the next TWO available issues of the biweekly UniNews.


You may mail or fax information to: Sandy Parker, UniForum, 2901 Tasman Drive, #205, Santa Clara, CA 95054; (408) 986-1645.


Senior Systems Analyst

Seeks position as a senior systems analyst to include development and administration of UNIX-based systems.

Experience: 10 years in programmer, systems analyst and project manager positions. Areas of emphasis include UNIX and RDBMS administration, C and SQL programming languages and network integration on HP-UX platforms. Extensive experience with manufacturing, finishing and order entry applications.

Personal: B.A., computer science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; prefer Southeast; Salary $60K+; available within 21 days.

Donald A. Stepp, phone (804) 562-3720 (home) or (804) 562-4124 (work); e-mail steppd@delphi.com.

Software Developer

Seeks position in high- or low-level software development, including client-server.

Experience: 10 years developing general management systems on LANs and SCO UNIX. Wrote interface between a mainframe and a 300-node WAN at Mercantil Bank of Brazil through a Stratus 860; system development chief at Ematex Textile.

Personal: Prefer South or North America; salary $25,000; available now.

Claudio Lacerda, phone (031) 441-8000 or fax (031) 443-1000 (Brazil).

Systems Engineer

Seeks position as systems engineer with a systems integrator, including systems configuration management, senior consulting, technology planning management, or information systems management, all in a company that offers growing opportunities in a challenging environment.

Experience: 10+ years in mainframes, midrange systems, multiuser servers and PCs. Systems engineering, projects engineering and management, systems integration, computer systems strategic planning; GCOS-64, GCOS-6, UNIX, MS-DOS.

Personal: Equivalent of bachelor's degree in computer sciences engineering, Monterrey Institute of Technology, 1983; prefer anywhere in Mexico, Southern U.S. or Minneapolis; salary $56K; available in four weeks.

UniNews Box L, UniForum Association, 2901 Tasman Dr. #205, Santa Clara, CA 95054; fax to (408) 986-1645.