Linux Boot Camp Training

 USA TOUR: call 1-888-333-8649 or 1-831-662-9164 or e-mail:

Dates                    Locations
March 9-12, 1999          Panama City, FL
March 15-18, 1999          Carlsbad, CA
March 29-April 1, 1999          Dallas, TX
April 5-8, 1999          San Jose, CA
April 20-23, 1999          Phoenix, AZ
May 18-21, 1999          Atlanta, GA
June 15-18, 1999          Washington, DC
June 22-25, 1999          Carlsbad, CA

Tuition: 4-Day Boot Camp $1499.00

Call for group rates: 1-888-333-8649 or 1-831-662-9164

Overview: This intensive boot camp training is designed to provide the IT professional with a comprehensive understanding and the "how to" knowledge required to run Linux in their environments. Attendees will perform a series of hands-on exercises to install, administer, integrate and secure Linux. No other workshop provides as much learning value in just four days.

Who Should Attend: These workshops are of particular value to system and network administrators, system programmers and planners, integrators and IT managers.

Level I: Understanding and Administering Linux Workshop (2 Days)

This comprehensive hands-on workshop provides the knowledge and skills needed to acquire, install, configure and administer Linux. Topics include: Understanding and Administering Linux •XFree86 Installation and Customization •File System Layout •Setting up User Accounts •Apache Web Server Basic Installation and Configuration •Using and Optimizing Mail Programs •Using Text Editors •Troubleshooting •Using the GCC Complier
Prerequisite:Basic understanding of UNIX.

Level II: Integrating Linux with Windows 95/98 or NT Workshop (1Day)

With the explosive growth of the Linux operating system into the Windows world, critical challenges and issues arise with the transition and integration of these diverse operating systems in an enterprise environment. This one-day workshop is designed for anyone involved in the planning and deployment of mixed computing environments. Attendees will learn the facts necessary for the successful integration of Linux in their environment. Topics include: •TCP/IP Overview •UNIX/Win Platform Overview •Samba Installation and Configuration •Sharing Printers Across Multiple Environments •Resource Sharing •Troubleshooting •Firewall Demo
Prerequisite: Basic understanding of UNIX and Windows 95/98/NT

Level III: Securing Your Box in One Day Workshop (1 Day)

This intensive workshop teaches the fundamental steps to securing a Linux and UNIX workstation against intruders. This workshop provides attendees with the knowledge required to secure their box in just one day. The workshop focuses on two areas: remote and local precautions. Remote deals with evil wily hackers and the local deals with malicious, disgruntled employees. Topics include: •Elements of good security •Defending against remote attacks •Limiting sendmail •Some known vulnerable daemons •Defending against local attacks •Linux kernel mods •System logging •Verify ‘rc’ files/services •Backups
Pre-requisite: Moderate UNIX knowledge.

Seating is limited. Pre-registration is required.
Call 1-888-333-8649 or 1-831-662-9164 to register, or email

Sponsored and presented by UniForum Technology Training Institute
in partnership with the Internet Security Institute and Training Center.


Registration Form (For multiple registrants please copy this form)

Fax this form to 1-301-596-8803

(circle the workshop of your choice)

Dates                    Locations
March 9-12, 1999          Panama City, FL
March 15-18, 1999          Carlsbad, CA
March 29-April 1, 1999          Dallas, TX
April 5-8, 1999          San Jose, CA
April 20-23, 1999          Phoenix, AZ
May 18-21, 1999          Atlanta, GA
June 15-18, 1999          Washington, DC
June 22-25, 1999          Carlsbad, CA

Payment must be received prior to attending the workshop.





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E-MAIL ADDRESS:______________________________________________________


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Credit Card Number:____________________________________________

Expiration Date:________________________________________________

Cardholder Signature:____________________________________________

Cancellation Clause: In the event an attendee must cancel, a three week written notice is required to receive a 100% refund. Less than 2 weeks is subject to a $100 cancellation fee. Attendees that register but do not show, are liable for the entire payment. UniForum and ISI reserve the right to change the program.

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